Carnation Crafts Vivid Blooms Die Set


Elegantly designed from exclusively hand drawn artwork. Includes incredible cut line detail to give a fabulous representation of this elegant die set.


The loss of a loved one is never easy and neither is knowing the right thing to say to show your support. The Eternal Grace Collection stands strong yet elegant, with a support column designed card shape, allowing natural light to pass through beautiful filigree and gently illuminate your thoughtful card make.

With a whole array of traditional lilies, along with a set of beautiful vivid blooms, this collection has been designed with personalisation in mind. Use a pop of colour to add a meaning you wish to express, a favourite colour or to send a brighter message. Featuring doves, feathers and adorable paw prints, this collection will gracefully touch the soul of the recipient without writing a word. Not just a sympathy collection, use in various ways to make stunning wedding cards, invitations, as well as timeless birthday and thank you cards.

Add velum to soften, lighten and create layers, a perfect accompaniment to this wonderful collection.

Elegantly designed from exclusively hand drawn artwork.

Includes incredible cut line detail to give a fabulous representation of this elegant die set.

Create brilliant toppers with the perfect mat layers, decoupage and details.

Create your own compositions by cutting different elements from the die set and layering them up.

Perfect for all occasions, from birthday and get well to retirement and sympathy along with anniversary and just because!

Mix & match with other designs in the collection or with products from your crafty stash to create unique and beautiful projects.

These dies measure approx:

  • Carnation 1: 3.2cm x 8.6cm
  • Mat layer: 3.6cm x 9.1cm
  • Carnation 2: 2.8cm x 6.5cm
  • Mat layer: 3.3cm x 7cm
  • Blooms and buds: 3.7cm x 12.5cm
  • Mat layer: 4.2cm x 13cm

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SKU 231020


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